
Se confirma: Américo Villarrael mintio a los tamaulipecos.

…Medio estadunidense confirma operaciones bancarias en Holanda del hijo del candidato de Morena a la gubernatura.

McAllen, Texas.- Humberto Francisco Villarreal Santiago habría solicitado, mediante documentos falsos, préstamos bancarios en el mismo país en el que tiene una cuenta con más de 20 millones de dólares aportados por Sergio Carmona, “El Rey del Huachicol”.

El hijo del candidato de MORENA a Gobernador de Tamaulipas, Américo Villarreal, Humberto Villarreal Santiago, fue exhibido este domingo por la prestigiada publicación digital Breitbart, por encontrarse en problemas legales al falsificar documentos e información con el propósito de obtener un crédito inmobiliario en Ámsterdam.

De acuerdo a la investigación del medio estadounidense, Villarreal Santiago habría solicitado un crédito cercano a los $800 mil euros (unos $16.7 millones de pesos) utilizando información y documentos falsos.

La solicitud habría sido hecha en el mismo país en donde se han descubierto cuentas a nombre de Villarreal Santiago, y a las que se habrían transferido cantidades millonarias para financiar las candidaturas de varios candidatos de MORENA, entre ellos el mismo Américo Villarreal.

De acuerdo a documentos filtrados días antes a varios medios de comunicación, fueron transferidos a cuentas de Villarreal Santiago 20 millones de dólares, producto de aportaciones realizadas por una red de lavado de dinero obtenido por el tráfico de combustible realizado por una organización criminal liderada por los hermanos Sergio y Julio Carmona Angulo, el primero de ellos ejecutado en San Pedro, Nuevo León, en noviembre pasado.

Las autoridades bancarias descubrieron inconsistencias en los documentos presentados por el hijo de Américo Villarreal, por lo que dieron parte a las autoridades que iniciaron una investigación judicial por el presunto delito.

“Los documentos revelaron que Villarreal Santiago obtuvo un préstamo de $100.000 euros (aproximadamente 105.600 dólares) en Interbank NV en Ámsterdam con documentos “falsificados” y luego trató de obtener un préstamo hipotecario por 682.139 euros (aproximadamente 720.000 dólares) mientras reclamaba ingresos de sólo 1.300 euros (aproximadamente 1.300 dólares) al mes”, indica Breitbart.

Agrega que “en su fallo, los miembros del tribunal revelaron que Villarreal Santiago había presentado documentos falsificados mientras intentaba obtener esos préstamos y que alguien que realmente ganara 1.300 euros no calificaría para ninguno de esos préstamos”.

Añade el reportaje que “​​después de que se le concediera una audiencia para luchar contra las acusaciones, Villareal Santiago no se presentó ante el tribunal y la sentencia permaneció en vigor prohibiéndole hacer negocios como individuo con cualquier banco de los Países Bajos”.

“En los últimos meses, el padre de Villareal Santiago, Americo Villarreal, ha sido objeto de mucha controversia en los medios de comunicación mexicanos después de estar vinculado a Sergio Carmona, un magnate del robo de combustible relacionado con los cárteles que proporcionó a los candidatos de MORENA vehículos blindados de lujo y supuestamente había estado canalizando dinero a sus campañas”, remata el reportaje.

Este es el artículo original del medio estadounidense

EXCLUSIVE: Mexican State’s Top Politician’s Son Flagged for Bank Fraud in Europe


The son of a top Mexican politician who is currently a border state gubernatorial candidate has been flagged for bank fraud in Europe. The politician’s son is also part of the politician’s financial structure, which has already been publicly linked in Mexico to a late cartel-connected fuel theft mogul.

Humberto Francisco Villarreal Santiago is one of three offspring of former Mexican federal senator Americo Villarreal Anaya. The elder Villarreal is currently locked in a tight political race for the governorship of the border state of Tamaulipas as a candidate from Mexico’s ruling party, MORENA.

Breitbart Texas exclusively obtained a ruling and other court documents from the Netherlands Financial Services Complaint Tribunal showing that Villarreal Santiago has been flagged for fraudulent activity in connection with using fraudulent information and “falsified documents” to get bank loans for real state purchases and other banking movements. This action led to the freezing of his accounts and being added to a list of fraudsters known in the Netherlands as EVR. In the court documents, the politician’s son is identified as Humberto F. V. Santiago. It remains unclear if he identified himself as such as a way to hide his familial relation to Americo Villarreal.

The documents revealed that Villarreal Santiago took out a €100,000 (approximately $105,600) loan at Interbank NV in Amsterdam with “falsified” documents and then subsequently tried to get a home loan for €682,139 (roughly $720,000) while claiming income of only €1,300 (roughly $1,300) a month. In their ruling, members of the tribunal revealed that Villarreal Santiago had submitted falsified documents while trying to get those loans and that someone who actually earned €1,300 would not qualify for any of those loans.

Villarreal Santiago tried to fight the fraud allegations claiming to have been duped by a financial advisor that he got from an online shopping website called Market Platts (marketplace). After having been granted a hearing to fight the allegations, Villareal Santiago did not show up before the tribunal and the ruling remained in place banning him from doing business as an individual with any bank in the Netherlands.

Breitbart Texas also learned that Villarreal Santiago is a biomedical engineer who got his degree from a private university in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. While the politician’s son claimed to only earn €1,300 in the Netherlands, he is listed as a partner in at least five different, but connected, solar energy companies in Mexico and at least one in the Netherlands.

In recent months, Villareal Santiago’s father, Americo Villarreal, has been the topic of much controversy in Mexican news outlets after being linked to Sergio Carmona, a cartel-connected fuel theft mogul who provided MORENA candidates with luxury armored vehicles and had been allegedly funneling money into their campaigns. As Breitbart Texas reported, an unknown assassin killed Carmona in the luxurious suburb of San Pedro, Nuevo Leon in November. Since then, several MORENA politicians have been exposed in various news outlets as having taken money from companies that were part of Carmona’s financial structure. Most recently, Tamaulipas State Police officers in Reynosa arrested a woman who worked as Carmona’s secretary identified as Nadia Virginia Grajeda Castro after allegedly catching her and a man with a street-level amount of drugs. As Breitbart Texas reported at the time, the woman allegedly tried to bribe the police officers in hopes of being released.

Ildefonso Ortiz is an award-winning journalist with Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Brandon Darby and senior Breitbart management. You can follow him on Twitter and on Facebook. He can be contacted at Iortiz@breitbart.com

Brandon Darby is the managing director and editor-in-chief of Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Ildefonso Ortiz and senior Breitbart management. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. He can be contacted at bdarby@breitbart.com.     

Link del artículo original: https://www.breitbart.com/border/2022/05/22/exclusive-son-of-mexican-top-politician-flagged-in-europe-for-bank-fraud/

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